How’s your week been? This week seems to have just passed in a total blur, and I didn't have that much wine!!!
Here’s my weekly round up;
➡️ celebrate your weekly wins
This week I had some lovely feedback from clients saying that they'd really enjoyed the classes this week, even though we did V sit!! I love hearing what everyone things of the classes, it's hard trying to get a mix to suit everyone, even down to the music. So when I get some nice feedback it makes me smile 😃 Did you enjoy class this week?
➡️ What made me smile
I chould cheat and say see above however, seeing my lovely helper Roger, sweep the floor for me on Wednesday night made me smile.😃
➡️ Plan for the week
This week it's keep calm and carry on 👍
Take some time today to reflect on your week, let me know what made you smile 😀